Harris County Aggravated Assault Defense Attorney

A Harris County aggravated assault defense attorney is going to be the person who helps to get charges dismissed. Guilty or not guilty, you will need an attorney to represent you every step of the way.

The Law Offices of Joe Ray Rodriguez P.C.

Criminal Defense Attorney, Joe Ray Rodriguez graduated from Law School with a purpose and a mission; to defend and assist people facing criminal charges and ensuring that individuals’ rights and liberties are upheld under the Constitution. To that end, Mr. Rodriguez founded Rodriguez & Associates P.C. in 2002, a criminal defense law firm designed to ensure that each client’s unique needs are met.

A Harris County aggravated assault defense attorney is going to be the person who helps to get charges dismissed. Guilty or not guilty, you will need an attorney to represent you every step of the way.

What a Harris County Aggravated Assault Defense Attorney Does

A defense attorney is going to look at your case and determine what has brought it from an assault charge up to an aggravated assault charge. There are various factors that can cause a charge to go up to aggravated assault, including the use of a weapon, the status of the victim, the amount of injuries caused, as well as the intent of the attacker.

The role of the attorney is to try and minimize the charges. Or show that you were not the one to do this from the very beginning. For this to happen, an investigation will need to take place.

Long before the attorney starts an investigation, however, you are going to be working with them for legal counsel. The moment you have been bailed out of jail from the original charges, you may have regular meetings in his office. If you remain in jail, then the visits will need to be done at the county and the attorney will come to you.
You will get help with the arraignment as well as the trial. Your attorney may even make all court appearances for you until the trial finally arrives.

Tips for Finding an Aggravated Assault Defense Attorney

Find the best aggravated assault defense attorney that you can because we’re talking about your livelihood. You want someone who can confidently defend you. It’s impossible to say whether the attorney can win your case or not because there are so many different factors. However, you want the best fighting chance.
Take the time to look at what kinds of cases an attorney has represented in the past. Also look at whether they were won or not. Do some research on the attorney and even schedule a consultation to be able to ask other questions you may have.

Call a Defense Attorney Right Away

Do not hesitate when it comes to hiring a Harris County aggravated assault defense attorney. The sooner you get one, the easier it will be to learn about what’s coming up. An investigation will need to be opened and the attorney needs time to interview, find facts, and ultimately build your case to an effective level to prepare for trial.

When you call an attorney, you can schedule a consultation or retain them over the phone. Either way, you want to make sure they are going to be the best attorney. In some instances, they will have to read over your case to determine if they are going to represent you, too. This is why you want to leave plenty of time for all of this to happen.

Case Results

Aggravated Assault with a Deadly Weapon: Dismissed

Arson: Dismissed

Assault: Dismissed

Bail Jumping: Dismissed

Burglary of a Habitation: Dismissed

Discharging a Weapon: Dismissed

Disorderly Conduct: Dismissed

DWI: Dismissed

Possession of a Controlled Substance: Dismissed

Robbery: Dismissed

Sexual Assault: Dismissed

Contact us for a Free Consultation

(713) 522-3232

1512 Alabama St, Houston, TX 77004

Open Everyday from 9am-5pm